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5 Tips to Cope with Valentine’s Day Blues


Let’s face it. Valentine’s Day doesn’t tend to be one of the public’s favorite holidays. Even those who are married or are in a serious relationship aren’t too keen on celebrating February 14th. One study showed that Valentine’s Day ranks behind every single other federal holiday in likeability. Perhaps it’s because the holiday seems too commercialized. Or maybe it’s because there aren’t any days off associated with the holiday. Singles or newly divorced individuals can feel left out on a holiday meant to celebrate love and relationships.

Regardless of the reason for Valentine’s Day lack of popularity, most of us get through it and look forward to the next momentous occasion. But some individuals cannot ignore their disdain for the holiday and may even experience anxiety and depression as a result. If this sounds like you, here are some tips for dealing with Valentine’s Day Blues.

1. Become Your Own Valentine

Love isn’t just about how we feel towards others; it has a lot to do with how we feel towards ourselves. Those of us who have struggled through several bad relationships can start to doubt our own self-worth and begin to think it is all our fault. Instead of wallowing in self-pity and hopelessness this Valentine’s Day, try to think of creative ways you can improve your own self-love. Find a therapist, start journaling, meet new friends, or find a new hobby. Resolve to increase your own self-love even after the day is over.

2. Be of Service

How can we receive love from others if we refuse to provide it to those in need? Volunteer work, helping a friend, or doing something kind for someone else are great ways to give love to others. Valentine’s Day doesn’t always have to be about romance; it’s about connecting to others. Find creative ways to let the people in your life know that you care about them.

3. Know You Aren’t Alone

The last few years have been difficult for all of us. Social unrest, a pandemic, a difficult election season, and a divided public have touched all of us in one way or another. While things are looking up in 2023, we are still all experiencing reverberating trauma from the last few years. Furthermore, there are plenty of other individuals who are single or newly divorced who feel exactly like you do on this day. Keep this in mind whenever you start to feel down.

4. Go Out with Friends

Find a group of single friends who you want to spend the day with. Plan a party or movie night out. Who says that you must spend Valentine’s Day with a romantic partner? Take advantage of all the loved ones you have in your life. Chances are, they are also dying for someone to distract them from this holiday as well. There’s plenty of ways to make the day enjoyable, even if you don’t have a romantic partner.

5. Accept Your Feelings

There’s no need to feel ashamed or embarrassed for being depressed and anxious during Valentine’s Day. Millions of people feel exactly like you do. The point is to accept your feelings while refusing to let them control you. Whenever a negative thought pops in, replace it with something empowering and comforting. It’s o.k. to not be o.k. You are human.

Do you struggle with anxiety and depression? If so, please contact Straight Talk Counseling at 714-828-2000 or visit our website at One of our professional counselors would be happy to speak with you.


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