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Founded by a group of active parents, Straight Talk Clinic was initially a local community response to growing evidence of illicit drug use among children and teenagers attending local schools.  Within 4 years,  the agency was sustaining a range of outpatient drug prevention and treatment services to hundreds of Orange County families per year, the majority (63%) reporting family incomes below poverty level. 


 Straight Talk contracted with the County Health Care Agency to design and implement a pioneering prevention and outpatient treatment program for teenagers abusing drugs and/or alcohol. Our Adolescent Alcoholism Treatment program becomes  State-certified 5 years later in 1983 - becoming the first recognized adolescent outpatient program in the State of California.  


Straight Talk launches a family counseling program in the city of La Mirada to serve students in the 'La Mirada-Norwalk School District.  Later that year, 

 the agency was granted State start-up funding to establish 4 community care residential facilities to serve dually-diagnosed Developmentally Disabled adults in the Orange County and Long Beach areas. 


Straight Talk opens Gerry House, Southern California's only residential substance abuse treatment and transitional emergency facilities offering 24-hour services to indigent HIV AIDS+ intravenous drug users at that time. 


By 1997, The agency operates 2 outpatient clinics (Cypress and La Mirada); no-cost services for on-campus student counseling programs in over 9 school districts;10 community care-licensed residential facilities; a 6,000 square-foot Developmental Disabilities Day Center in Signal Hill; Gerry House, Gerry House West & Start House. The agency also begins to operate the Cypress College Swap Meet as a fundraising partnership between Straight Talk and the College.


Belonging to Straight Talk, Stable Ground was purchased with the help of a grant administered through Santa Ana’s Housing Opportunities for People Living with Aids. The home houses residents recovering from addiction who are also affected by HIV.


Straight Talk Clinic decides to move their Cypress office to Santa Ana in order to better serve all of Orange County.

We are honored to have met the mental health needs of Orange County residents for nearly five decades, contributing to improvements in the overall mental health of our community. We look forward to the opportunity to continue bringing about positive changes in our community as a result of our programs.

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If you are in a life threatening situation, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, a free, 24-hour hotline, at 1-800-273-8255. Your call will be routed to the crisis center near you. If your issue is an emergency, call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room.  

All rights reserved.  © 2020 Straight Talk Clinic, Inc.  501(c)3 Nonprofit Organization.  EIN 23-7134097.

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